




Reply to How can DeviceActivityMonitor extension communicate with my main app?
The extension and the application are different processes so: They are 2 different instances because each one "lives" on a different process . You can use a shared userDefaults or any other persistency (you can share a database file and change it in one process and read from the other) Read this: [ Good luck
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: General Tags:
Feb ’24
Reply to Can a Network Extension display any UI or launch it's container app?
Hi Eskimo, I see that on iOS 15 with a network extension -displayMessage:completionHandler: has stopped working. It was working fine on iOS 14. It's marked as deprecated, I get this fix suggestion on Xcode: 'displayMessage(_:completionHandler:)' was deprecated in iOS 12.0: renamed to 'UILocalNotification' Can you confirm? Sounds like there is no alternative? (I guess that the fix suggestion that Xcode gives - "use UILocalNotification" is not correct)
Jan ’22
Reply to Network Extension App transfer
Thank you, Matt! And what will happen if I remove the "old" network extension identifier and the app group identifier from the "old" developer account - Add them to the new developer account - everything should be the same on the app (same group and same extension identifiers under the new account) This will actually mean that the possible issue of 2 network extensions is gone, right?
Mar ’21